
Lit Only By Fire written in the 1990s by R. Bain ©2018

There was a time the emperor ruled
Soldiers carried spears not guns
Then the hoards swept down from the north
The Visigoths and the Huns
You could see it
You could feel it
The falling of the empire
It was a time the world was lit
Lit only by fire

The earth was flat, that’s what they said
Oh those medieval sages
They were afraid of the edge of the earth
You know their minds’ were in cages
The king ruled with an iron fist
The pope was filled with lust and desire
It was a time when the world was lit
Lit only by fire

Eyes were gouged, tongues were ripped out
For just the tiniest infraction
Fear of the devil not the love of god
Is what directed their action
For he who challenged the king or the pope
The consequences were dire
It was a time when the world was lit
Lit only by fire

Villages were filled with plague and disease
Streets filled with muck and with mire
The fools fooled, the vassals vassaled
Musicians played the lute and the lyre
It was a time when the world was lit
Lit only by fire

Lucretia Borge was a mighty fine gal
She was finer than any other
First she took her daddy into her bed
Then she invited her brother
Now the pope was her father, her father was her lover
Her uncle might have been her sire
It was a time when the world was lit
Lit only by fire
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa, whoa, whoa… half-verse
The king ruled with an iron fist
The pope was filled with lust and desire
It was a timewhen the world was lit
Lit only by fire